Master Trust
The Value Pension Website
Execution Only Service
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Charging Structure
All Pension Products
100% of your contribution is invested in your PRSA, Master Trust Executive Pension, AVC PRSA, ARF, Retirement Bond
There are no entry or sneaky exit charges on any products
The Annual Management Charge for a Single or Regular PRSA (or AVC PRSA) is 0.75% if minimum SP €5,000 or RP €250pm . For contributions less than these it's 1%.
Currently, these terms do not apply to 'Last Minute' PRSA AVCs.
The Annual Management Charge for a Retirement Bond or ARF is 0.75%. NB: Lower AMCs available for substantial (circa €200k+) single contribution transfers.
The Annual Management Charge for a Single or Regular Personal Pension is 0.75% (minimum SP €10,000 or RP €500pm) . For contributions less than these it's 1%.
Master Trust Executive / Directors Pension - Minimum Regular Contribution €750pm (Single €20,000) - Annual Management Charge is 0.75%. For contributions less than these it's 1%.
The regulated entity is paid 0.15% to 0.25% by Zurich Life from the quoted annual management charges.
There is no additional broker fee
For some regular contribution contracts (eg. RACs & PRSAs), where the regulated entity inputs and generates the policy documents, Zurich Life will pay the intermediary for this work. This payment will be included in your disclosure documents, if it applies. This does not affect the charging structure.
The only contracts currently available on these terms through PRSA.ie are with Zurich Life Assurance plc.
This should not be interpreted as a recommendation.
The pension products available through this website are for the investor who understands the relationship between risk and reward and are not looking for financial advice
We provide an execution only service on pensions that have low costs and that have access to a wide range of investment funds
I am a Financial Advisor who is authorised to provide broad based financial advice in relation to Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), Pensions and other Insured Investment Products
My office is in Cahir, Co. Tipperary
This website is handing the responsibility of pension product selection and investment choice back to you so that you save on commission and the cost of advice.
You do your own research and buy a low cost PRSA / Pension
I hope that you find this website appropriate to your needs and that you can use the products and information to take control of your retirement planning
Gerard Sheehy

Zurich Life Assurance plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland